Freedom? Beauty? Looking for the unexpected? To challenge ourselves and our values? To escape our day to day life even for one week? There is not one answer that fits all. People travel for different reasons. Some people want to leave the town where “they are from” and where everyone knows them because in some way, being in a new place where nobody else knows you, makes you freer. It feels good because there is no emotional attachment in that holiday place. No bad things happened there (at least not to yourself). My favorite reason to go to a new place is the thirst for adventure and to push my comfort zone. This makes things exciting. It makes you more independent and better at solving other types of problems in your home environment or at work. The most common example is when you venture to a country where they speak a different language. In touristic cities or central areas of large cities, you will normally get by with English. But when you come out of those touri...